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Our Objectives

Our Objectives

Driven by our mission and guided by a vision to develop and represent micro, as well as macro savings and credit societies, our key objective as a Union is:

    To provide advocacy, lobby, advice and protect members against adverse legislation and/or restrictions;
    To act as the principal local and international representative and mouth-piece of all SACCOs in Kenya;
    To promote the organisation and development of viable SACCOs in Kenya;
    To help improve the internal management of savings and credit societies by providing a standardised management system for the SACCOs and the cooperative movement in Kenya;
    To promote a common code of ethics based on co-operative principles among SACCOs, their officials, employees and members.
    To promote among SACCOs, and their officials, employees and members a common code of ethics based on co-operative principles.


We commit to consistently promote SACCOs through advocacy and provision of quality technical and financial products that exceed the members’ expectations.
We shall comply with the statutory requirements and actively pursue continuous improvement of the Quality Management System (QMS) processes, capabilities and effectiveness

Sacco Star Magazine



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